
Friday, March 8, 2019

Role of Senco

This part of the essay get turn out discuss the mapping of SENCOs and how it has evolved. It will start of briefly introducing the case of a SENCO, and the responsibilities, followed by how their role has evolved and then the impact of recent governing policy. A SENCO is a teacher with responsibility for co-ordinating special needs clog up within a coach. Fielder 2008 claims that the modern SENCO has to be able to couple the gap between professionals, c atomic number 18rs and students with SEN.According to Cowne and Jones 2001 a SENCO can be looked upon as a main figure in making institutional change, and is too seen as a leaseership role within a school community. Supporting this is Mckenzie 2007 who also points out that the role of SENCO undertaken by a superior member of staff is more effective as they have a voice as member of senior(a) management team. Government and legislative documents emphasise the high level of expertise that is required for SEN Coordinators (SE NCOs) to carry out their increasingly complex role.The 2001 Code of practice says that he SENCO should take the lead in further assessment of the childs particular strengths and weaknesses in planning future documentation for the child in discussion with colleagues and in monitoring and afterwards reviewing the action taken. The SENCO should also ensure that appropriate records are kept including a record of children at Early Years achievement and Early Years Action Plus and those with statements.From the SEN Code of intrust 2001 the role of the educational needs coordinator in school has attracted a good locoweed of attention since the Code of Practice on the identification and assessment of SEN was introduced in 1994. Not only did the code make it a requirement for on the whole schools to have a named coordinator for SEN in place, it prescribed a considerable upchuck of duties and responsibilities, described as onerous and breathtaking broad (Gains 1994).The role of SENCO ha s actual considerably since the implementation of Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 1994. The demands and responsibilities have increased significantly. The SENCOs role instantly has also evolved to be a lead professional, knowledge/information manager and advocate, resource manager, federation manager, quality assuror, facilitator, and solution assembler.In mainstream primary schools the key responsibilities of SENCO has evolved as they now need to include overseeing the day to day operation of the schools policy, coordinating planning for children with special educational needs, liaising with and advising fellow teachers, managing learning support assistants, overseeing the records of all children with SEN, liaising with parents, change to the in-service training of staff, liaising with outside(a) agencies including LEAs support and educational psychological science services, health and social services and voluntary bodies (Cheminais 2005).Other roles carried out by the SENCO include encouraging class teachers and helping define targets on I. E. P. s for those children who are registered on the SEN register, along with the reviews on a half terminal basis, looking at behaviour issues of children throughout the school, monitoring the attendance of children, managing support staff, assisting the teacher with their planning to in cooperate differentiated work for the SEN children and liaising with parents and external agencies to help with the progression of children within the setting.Nolan and Gersch 1996 agreed that close communication and co-operation, and a clear understanding of responsibilities are crucial to the success of partnership between the school and outside agencies and the SENCO is the link between them. Cole 2005 concludes by lay out that the role of the SENCO needs to be reconceptualised, redefined and remunerated as a senior management post within mainstream schools. If this were to be enforced by matter policy, every mains tream school could have at least one virile advocate for inclusion of the children with learning difficulties/disabilities.

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