
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

How does Alan Ayckbourn make use of comic resources in the play? Essay

From A Small Family Business a play in which people score together as a team, united to reach to the same polish and sharing values, the author Alan Ayckbourn exposes tunes of humorous situations to cut with tension and make the stab weird and funny at the same time. Various comic resources are holdd in this for the first time scene where maw is coming rear from work and his wife, Poppy, waits for him with a great welcome surprise where family and fri destinations are conclave together too. He makes go for of ironic situations, sarcasm, visual and pitch blackness humor, melodramatic and embarrassing situations also, to make up this scene a humorous scene.The first situation of humor in this scene is between the talks of Yvonne and heap Yvonne Jack is here, Mr Ayres. He has just arrives Ken Jack who? Ayckbourn is using black humor in this situation as a comic resource. We roll in the hay interpret this because its obvious of which Jack Yvonne is talking about, and Ken is nerve-racking to call the attention asking what Jack, Yvonne is talking about. Ken make outs the answer, but he makes the situation funny by asking that question, and as an objective he exigencys to cut with the tension they were all passing through while they were hugger-mugger in the dark silence.As another comic resource, we can run out the visual humor, because of the ridiculous situation of when Poppy moves into the kitchen, and pretends to be busy herself at the sink so that Jack doesnt suspect anything out of the customary when he sees her, while on the next room, the whole family is hidden in the dark and giggling for silence. Everyone knows from where Jack is going to arrive, and in which moment, but Jack doesnt have a clue of whats going on. Here, the author makes use of visual humor because of the actions that the characters are make they make quite a comic scene.Sarcasm is also state in this scene when Jack refers to the Fond farewells Cheering me through the gates, they were. Goodbye, you old bugger, goodbye The author is making this phrase sarcastic because in a way, Jack is exaggerating the situation and he knows it was not truly similar that. He is in a way, intercourse Poppy that they wanted to get rid of him and he is making them seem like bad persons, when they didnt really said or done something defame to him. We can also see an atmosphere of humor, when Jack says to Poppy thanks paragon for that.I dont want to see anyone else. Not like a shot. Here, a dramatic irony is used as a comic resource because the reader understands the whole funny situation of the family hearing this dialogue hidden in the same house, but the character who in this display case is Jack, does not. Also irony, because again, Jack uses exaggeration, disparity of expression and says something he doesnt really mean. In this first scene, Ayckbourn has also made moments of embarrassing situations. Poppy Oh God, I want to die. I really want to dieHere Pop py is very crushed because she knew the whole family was listening to her dialogue with Jack, who was quite intimate and she doesnt know how to fix it. This also makes the situation humorous because the character actions are seen as embarrassing by the audience because they know the consequences. As a conclusion, Alan Ayckbourn does use of many comic resources to break with the tension, the nervousness, and to give a funny atmosphere to the scene which is a bit anxious, at first, and uncomfortable at the end not only for Poppy but with the family also.

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